Sunday Call Blast 2/18/2024

Please observe reporting threats of violence on the link to FortifyFLorida on our website.  The school needs your support for monitoring your student’s social media and internet time.  If your student brings drama and violence to school, there will be consequences.  Parents, please discuss our code of conduct found on our website with your student and the importance of limiting time on mobile devices, as well as creating a negative digital record for oneself.  Students need to understand that making threats over the internet can cause police intervention these days and that there are more consequences to social media threats of violence than just what the school can divvy out.

Finally, please make sure you have provided an email so you may receive progress reports in your inbox on Sunday evenings.  If you don’t see a progress report, let us know. Scholarship warnings will go out when we return from Winter break. Please make sure to clear your junk mail if you do not see weekly communications from us.  Edmentum will send you a progress report each Sunday at 6pm. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!